Have you been looking for a new credit card and wondering whether you should go with an American Express card? Like any other financial decision you make, you should do your research before choosing the best credit card for you.
When it comes to considering an American Express card, you may decide to do online searches for ‘American Express’ to see what comes up.
A lot of the things you will see are likely put there either by American Express or companies who promote them (if they are good things), or by other companies that want you to avoid American Express (if they are bad things). So, how do you know what decision to make?
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You need to look for some un-biased opinions. Thankfully, one of those just came out. It’s the J.D. Power and Associates poll on credit card satisfaction. This poll not only looked at American Express, but all the credit card companies out there as they determined who got top marks and who was not making their customers happy.
They questioned nearly 8000 credit card owners to see what they liked or didn’t like about their cards and to find out which cards consumers say they couldn’t live without.
American Express Company was ranked at the top of the consumer satisfaction poll. Part of the reason is that the company is considered, by it’s customers, to offer the best rewards credit cards around.
Customers cited that there are plenty of options for how to gain rewards and use them with the various American Express rewards credit cards, and that they feel they are getting plenty of bang for the bucks they spend on their cards.
Consumers also said they liked all the benefits offered by their American Express credit cards. From programs to monitor accounts for possible cases of identity theft to emergency services, car rental insurance and even special access to executive lounges at airports, just by showing a card, there are plenty of reasons customers are considering American Express to be among the best rewards credit cards on the market.
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This is not the first time American Express has gotten such high ratings. They were at the top of the class two years in a row. With all the other cards out there, that is saying something.